Tuesday, April 30, 2019

You Tube Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

You Tube - prove ExampleFor instance, it creates a homogenous community among the great unwashed living in diverse states globally whereby they fire sell same platform while enjoying similar videos. People have different intentions when posting their videos in Youube. Some post them for entertainment, advertisement whereas differents they are merely for discussion or debate besides many another(prenominal) other reasons. Portable gadgets characterizing the current technology have in a way helping share much through Youtube. This contributes to its cheapness because one does not need to be in front of a TV or seated in a house so that he or she whoremaster watch and listen to a video played by a stationary machine. Hence, it provides an alternative and huge way of reaching numerous and different people globally. To shun its misuse, there are set regulations that safeguard the content meant to control what users normally upload in terms of videos and comments such that people d o not end up using inappropriate language. Apart from socializing, Youtube has couple of educational channels that fit or benefit all age groups. These channels provide varied learning contents required in each level of education, which is from K-12 to college level besides used as informing tool concerning other none academic sources (Study Mode 2013). Moreover, other channels such as the animal planet provide people with new information that they may need to get.Youtube is changing the way people consume media. For instance, unlike the other forms of media when an advert is made in the Youtube, it remains there forever in which an interested person depose get the information he or she needs. This is contrally to the other forms such as the Televisions and Radios, which only broadcast sealed information in a given time, besides which even other media forms post their advertisements in the YouTube. Uploading videos in this platform is free, hence changing the ideas of paying for t he advertisements by some media consumers such as musicians, companies, schools

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