Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Internet Advertising

What is internet ad? Internet advertising is a way of marketing services or products on the World Wide Web. This can be done through search engine optimization, banner ads, affiliate marketing, email marketing, SEM marketing and Web 2. 0 strategies. It is also known as Internet marketing, eMarketing, web marketing and online marketing. Internet advertising allows a product or service to quickly reach a global audience. A major advantage is that Internet advertising is usually far cheaper than advertising through more traditional means such as newspapers, radio or television.To better answer the question, â€Å"What is Internet advertising? †, we need to first look at all the ways which it can take place. +) Affiliate Marketing – This occurs when one website runs ads for another (usually larger) site. If a visitor to the site clicks on the ad, he’ll be taken to the other site to make a purchase. If a transaction occurs, the site hosting the ad (known as an affilia te) will receive a commission on the sale. This allows smaller sites to make money by associating with larger sites such as Netflix, AllPosters and Amazon. +) Lead-based Websites – Sales leads are generated from a company’s website.The company then follows up (usually via phone) in order to make a sale. +) E-commerce – The direct sale of goods to a consumer. Amazon would be an example of an online company that employs the e-commerce method. +) Publishing – A website sells advertising space, much in the same way that a newspaper or magazine would do so. Geo Marketing Internet advertising has advanced so far that online businesses can even designate ads to appear based on the user’s state, city, zip code or IP address. This is known as geo marketing (or geo targeting).In the distant future, one has to wonder if this form of marketing won’t be tailored specifically to the person logging on to the Internet. In some ways, this is already a realit y, as many advertisements are designed to appear based on the keywords entered by the user into a search engine. Specific Clientele So what is Internet advertising? and how does internet advertising work? Well, besides allowing a company to specifically target a user based on search engine phrases and geographical location, Internet advertising can also allow a business to focus on a specific clientele. For example, let’s ay you own a company which sells tents. If you run a print or television advertisement, your message will be viewed by many people who have no interest in your product. With the Internet, however, you can place ads on sites specifically geared towards your potential clients. Sites involving camping or the outdoors allow you to directly target those who might need to buy a tent. While it doesn’t guarantee a sale, Internet advertising does allow you to narrow your focus and get the most for your advertising dollar. Continued Growth Internet advertising can be tracked and tested in ways unavailable to regular methods of advertising.This allows the advertiser to immediately know what works and what doesn’t. For this reason, Internet advertising is the faster growing form of marketing. Disadvantage of Internet Marketing Many consumers like to be able to physically touch or see a product before they buy it. Others may have a dial-up connection and be unable to view all available advertising. Both of these are disadvantages of Internet marketing, although they will most likely disappear in the coming decades. Security is also a concern for many consumers. Everyone has heard horror stories about people having their identities stolen after making a purchase on the Internet.While most of these stories are exaggerated, all major Internet businesses have responded by installing state-of-the-art encryption systems to protect sensitive customer information. Summary of Internet Advertising What is Internet advertising? It’s a way for retailers to advertise products and services online. Ads can target people with particular hobbies or interests, or they can even focus on customers in a specific country or state. The success of an Internet advertising campaign is easier to track, and numerous methods are available to businesses.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Educational Issues on the Internet Essay

Fundamentally this term education is a Latin word which means â€Å"to bring up†. It is the most significant sense with respect to experiences as education is the finest way of effecting one’s mind, it can revolve the characteristics and can produce unique ability in individuals as well. In year 1966 United Nations recognized and formed right to get education which was for the entire world and highlighted the concept of education as well. In the same year different ways and techniques of education were also presented in which it was defined that this is basically a process in which students are involved in order to learn numerous things. Besides this the words instruction were also illustrated that it is the procedure of delivering and conveying information by an instructor. (R. A. Malatest & Associates Ltd. , 2002) In early days education was not very much common in all areas and with every class of people, as initially there was only elementary education which consists almost five to seven years. At that time the general approach was that education should be given at primary level and should be structured in a way that the phase of schooling should be started at the age of six. But this thinking was almost instantaneously changes when UNESCO had taken an initiative and launched an educational program and declared it as Education for All. (Blurton, 1999) After the formation of above mentioned program the concepts of education taken a next step towards success and the concept of primary and secondary education was presented. But in this era, numerous technologies were developed and designed which revolved around the approaches of teaching and education. Technology has a great influence on education as these days computer and cell phones are used to present innovative ideas of learning. This unique way of learning was declared as online education or virtual education system. By these approaches, the concept of distance learning was also presented in front of us. In year 1969 the first distance learning university was established which was named as The Open University of the United Kingdom. Similarly, after the success of this university numerous other universities were also established. (Roblyer, 2006) But with the emerging concepts, styles and innovative approaches of education on computer and internet, numerous sorts of issues were seen as well. The most important issue of education on the internet is that there are numerous sites available for different subjects having endless number of resources but all these sites did not cover every age group issues as their level of education is same for all the users that log in to that specific website that confuse the students as their mental level did not match. Other then this we often noticed that education on internet is again a big issue in such case where sites are designed in such an order that all the lesson plans are available, along with lessons references are also provided for the students but the issue arises at the point that such websites are not as much effective as no source of direct interaction with teachers and authors are available. (Roblyer, 2006) Internet sites are offering numerous tests based web sites and they are also providing sample test papers so that students can have complete and deep knowledge of subjects and the pattern of exam questions. (Leland, 2002) Besides the above mentioned issues, one more point that proves that education over the internet is a big hurdle is that the distance learning users and clients have to consider the point that their computers are upgrade according to the latest software, hardware requirement. Similarly connectivity over internet and telephone line, maintenance, support supplies are the things that should be upgraded and maintained in order to get uninterrupted education on internet as these days numerous websites and software are designed according to new technologies which required great and appropriate configuration and protections. Along with such issues plagiarism is another big hurdle in education as there are number of students who when have a desire to study some unique and fine material then for this they have to be aware of numerous sites as education on internet is not as much fair and fine in every manner. There are numerous sites that students should avoid like Genius papers, a web named as Lazy students, Research assistance and some other sites as well. Beside this there are other sorts of fraud also notified as students over internet are asked to access the different documents by paying some amount, this fees started from almost $10 per page. (Schevitz, 1999) In addition with the issue of plagiarism there other problem of education on internet is that there are numerous authors and writers who does not go through the upgrading theories and approaches and just presented their work on the basis of their previous researches. So in order to avoid such issues students should look careful their reference page so by this they can came t know that either the author has utilized new technique by following innovative approaches and methods or not. (Roblyer, 2006) Beside these issues one more thing that should be noticed is students cannot work as team over internet when team work when needed. Although internet users can collaborate on the internet using different tools, however the direct and face to face communication and effort on projects are missing over education on the internet. (Leland, 2002) According to a research it has been notified that education on the internet does not provide good reading skills to the students, this sort of problem got a solution by providing learner-controlled sort of things that contains picture menu as well, linear sequencer and some other solutions as well but the problem remains unsolved as the students are still fail in developing better reading skills. (Blurton, 1999) In a nut shell, we can conclude that the internet is providing a great number of sources and opportunities for the students. Among them social networking is the significant one which have been rapidly accepted by the students of every age group as all of them is extremely much fascinated by this sort of new opportunity which enhance their self presentation, self learning skills, managing numerous things and other facilities as well. The biggest advantage is that their networking will increase. Along with this numerous authors and writers are still of the idea that only innovative approaches over internet education and development of new technologies is not the only way to provide better learning system, managements of things have its significance as well. References Blurton, C. (1999). New Directions of ICT-Use in Education. Retrieved May 1, 2010, from UNESCO: http://www. unesco. org/education/educprog/lwf/dl/edict. pdf Leland, B. H. (2002, January 29). Plagiarism and the Web. Retrieved May 1, 2010, from Western Illionois University: http://www. wiu. edu/users/mfbhl/wiu/plagiarism. htm Potashnik, M. and Capper, J. (2007, February 6). Distance Education: Growth and Diversity. Retrieved May 1, 2010, from World Bank: http://www. worldbank. org/fandd/english/pdfs/0398/0110398. pdf R. A. Malatest & Associates Ltd. (2002, May). The Council of Ministers of Education. Retrieved May 1, 2010, from Best Practices in Increasing Aboriginal Postsecondary Enrolment Rates: http://www. cmec. ca/Publications/Lists/Publications/Attachments/49/malatest. en. pdf Roblyer. (2006). Integrating Educational Technology Into Teaching. New York: Pearson Education. Schevitz, T. (1999, November 5). Point, Click, Plagiarize / Web site nabs UC Berkeley students stealing from Net. Retrieved May 1, 2010, from SF Gate: http://articles. sfgate. com/1999-11-05/news/17705570_1_uc-berkeley-plagiarism-science-students

Monday, July 29, 2019

Safety in Industrial Cities from fire Research Paper

Safety in Industrial Cities from fire - Research Paper Example It is a sad reality that most of the materials used in residential and building establishments are actually potential fuels of fire. In addition, in industrial cities, the number of flammable materials increases and this happens not by chance. An industrial city has substantial number of business establishments which market or produce combustible materials, volatile products and many more. These materials are significant sources of fuel. Without taking those into considerations would potentially result to damage in the days to come. This is the reason why everyone needs to be well informed with the nature of fire. It is not just enough to understand the nature of fire. What an individual needs to understand is that in the advent of fire, there can be many things to be learned that will potentially eliminate the same occurrence in the days to come. This is the reason why there is an ongoing trend and even spiraling number of scientific studies related to fire. These studies are essent ial to be learned. However, some of these studies are getting complicated. What an individual primarily needs to understand about fire are the basic things about it. Knowing the basics is a requirement because it is through it that potential discoveries or ideas will be able to be learned about. The proponent of this report was able to consider different studies about fire and even the basic concepts about its production. In line with this, the proponent was able to make use of the information from the web, books and reliable journals from highly reliable sources or experts. The proponent tries to simplify the discussion about fire and only the basics about it are reliably considered due to the fact that this report is for the benefit of those who have no or little background about safety engineering. Furthermore, in line with this, the proponent highly considers fire as an important incident in industrial cities that needs to be critically understood from a scientific point of view in a simplest way. Among of the most cited information about this study considers some practical understanding about fire from the point of view of incidents experienced from the past. In line with this, the proponent strongly believes that more literature review should be included in cases when there is need to understand further fire as a significant issue occurring in industrial cities. This report is presented to everyone as an important guide for fire fighting activity and control. ABSTRACT The U.S. Fire Administration (2011) reported that in residential buildings, the most common cause of fire is electrical malfunction which is around 43 percent and 37 percent for electrical arcing as heat source and these are among of the leading causes of attic fires. According to the U.S. Fire Administration this further results to an estimated 30 deaths, 125 injuries and $477 million worth of damage properties from 2006 to 2008. The above report is just one of the most common cases of fir e in the United States and around the world. It also shows the destructive capacity of fire. However, this report does not only focus on fire in residential setting particularly in industrial cities but this substantially includes other related cases. This report is about the usual incidents about fire. Fire is one of the most common incidents in the United States that brings forward substantial level of destruction in industrial cities. Fire is not just an ordinary incident but this requires the

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Do administration times of anti-retro viral therapies affect their Essay

Do administration times of anti-retro viral therapies affect their efficacy - Essay Example Although none of the studies I found, as stated, were specifically designed to test my hypothesis. The majority the studies, in reading, the test found evidence or results that lead to the theory that timing of drug therapy is vital in the treatment of AIDS. Specific studies in this area would, in my estimation, greatly advance what we know about AIDS, best practice methods for treatment, and the possibility for halting its progression. I am a nursing working with AIDS patients. In the daily course of my duties I have seen numerous patients whose treatment plans vary greatly from one individual to another. Often the drug therapy methodologies and prescription frequency are contrary to commonly accepted practices and sometimes conflict with pharmaceutical recommendations. As a nurse, my primary goal is to enhance the level of treatment AIDS patients receive and to ensure treatment methods are in the best interest of maintaining the client’s health and quality of life. The conflicting treatment methods began to raise questions for me. I began to ask whether the initial implementation of drug therapy had a direct impact on the patient’s longevity and quality of life. There were varying opinions amongst healthcare givers on the best time to begin treatment. Although this is sometimes determined by the time diagnosis of the disease with respect to the progress of the virus, often times, even with early dia gnosis, the decision to begin administering of anti-retro drugs was not uniform. Dr. Jens Lundgren, a physician at the Copenhagen HIV Programme and Dr. Andrew N. Phillips, a professor of epidemiology reported in a British Journal of Medicine article that had examined the indirect relationship discovered regarding the assessment of the efficacy of anti-HIV drugs. Through analyzing data from various trials they were examining the effectiveness of various drug treatments. However, at the conclusion of their research they

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Agency Formation and Management Perspective Research Paper

Agency Formation and Management Perspective - Research Paper Example Agents must at all times work as per the instructions of their principals. You have clarified the areas where the law of agency plays critical role. For instance, regulating the principal-agent relationship, the external relationship between the agents and the third parties and the third parties and the principals in case the agents are purporting to deal on their behalf (Munday, 2008). The areas that you have said that the agency relationships are common are very sensitive as well. You have mentioned employment, financial advice and contract negotiation. All of these are very important areas in the economy and since agents are used in most cases, there must be some law so that the agents end up doing according to their principals and also as per the expectations of the third parties. Finally you have brought in the aspect of independent contractors. Like you have said, these play the same role as the agents only that they are used by small businesses. They are independent of the small businesses hence their

Friday, July 26, 2019

Trend analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Trend analysis - Essay Example After that period, they secured a merger with Twentieth Century Pictures which was established by Joseph Schenck and Darryl F. Zanuck in the year of 1933. The merger took place in 1935 which resulted in the formation of Twentieth Century Fox. 20th Century Fox Film Corporation is an established name in motion picture industry. It has established itself as one of the major company in their industry not only in America but also throughout the world. The main products of the company are films and television production oriented work. In the early period i.e. in late 1930s as well as in 1940s of the establishment of the company, their business model concentrated mainly on producing westerns, religious epics, screen featured biographies, and also musical films. In the early period of their business endeavor, they attached themselves mainly with quite a few of the then famous directors like John Ford, e.g. well recognized films like ‘The Grapes of Wrath (1940)’. From then on, they went on producing quite a few important and landmark films in the subsequent years. They were the first to bring in innovation in their business model by bringing in cinemascope. Cinemascope is a mechanism which helped pictures to be proje cted on screen at a ratio of two and a half times wider than normal. Their business environment was always been quite competitive in nature. They have been a pioneer in quite a few new innovations in their business environment and business model like cinemascope. The Robe in 1953 was companies’ inaugural wide screen viewable feature film. Thus, they were the trendsetter in the utilization of wide screen as a method of displaying films in the theatres featuring motion pictures. Twentieth Century Fox can be credited with the fact that they were the studio which brought presently renowned Marilyn Monroe in to the limelight and stardom in the period of 1950s. The studio also brought into forefront two of the most famous and successful

Summarization for 7 chapter of the weather makers Essay

Summarization for 7 chapter of the weather makers - Essay Example By going on to detail the level of environmental destruction, the footprint of human development, and the means whereby otherwise pristine regions have been reduced to little more than a wasteland, the author fully grips the reader’s imagination and attention with regards to the poignancy of the issues at hand. Likewise, Chapter 10, entitled â€Å"Peril at the Poles† focuses upon the key importance that the earth’s polar climates have with relation to nearly every other known and observable weather pattern that climatologists track. Moreover, rather than merely relating the direct effect that a warming arctic region portends for other world weather patterns and the overall sea rise that such temperature increase necessitates, the author spends a great deal of time discussing how the delicate balance of life within the ecosystems are being intimately affected by the temperature changes. Examples of the close interconnected nature of krill, seal, polar bear, pengui ns, and caribou are all discussed as the author lays out the case for how temperature change bears the threat of acting as a veritable wrecking beam for an otherwise complex and interdependent ecosystem. Chapter 11, entitled â€Å"The Great Stumpy Reef?†, details the means by which human action has and continues to have a profound effect on the development, loss, and evolution of the coral reefs that dot the globe. As the author points out, the destruction of the coral reefs cannot be understood within the same context as the destruction of the ice shelves that have been discussed earlier; rather, human activity, pollutants, and other factors mean that the nature and extant species represented within the coral reef are necessarily changed. In this way, human actions and pollutants can encourage one species to shift the balance and develop a primacy for food and resources that necessarily puts another species at the brink of destruction within the region or worse yet, extincti on. Chapter 12, entitled, â€Å"A Warning from the Golden Toad† takes the level of analysis down even further into the realm of the individual species that is affected by the changing nature of the planet’s weather conditions. Such is very much the case of the Golden Toad which became extinct due to the fact that its eggs were no longer suitable for survival within the changing climate. This is a powerful example as extinction due to climate change is a topic that had not been of particular notice within the field of science or evolutionarily biology before this occurrence. However, due to the existence and subsequent disappearance of the Golden Toad, meteorologists and biologists alike have reason to be alarmed. If definitive proof therefore exists that as a direct result of climate change it can be determined that a species has now left earth’s ecosystem, it is likely that such is an example of merely the tip of the iceberg. Due to the rapidly decreasing numbe r of species left on earth, this issue is cause for alarm. Chapter 13, entitled â€Å"Liquid Gold: Changes in Rainfall†, discusses the fact that there is a direct relationship to the increase in global temperature and the overall increase in rainfall. Although it may seem that rainfall increase is a good thing in a planet that more and more frequently suffers from desertification, the fact of the matter that the author seeks to acquaint the reader with is that this

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Economics Supply and Demand of Gasoline Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Economics Supply and Demand of Gasoline - Essay Example The paper tells that the gasoline price has ostensibly undergone extensive fluctuations mainly because of the product nature and the industry which supplies the world with oil. Note that a bulk of the aggregate oil output is produced by the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC). This influential group is organized as a cartel and composed of nations in the Middle East including United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, and Kuwait among others. The main produce of these countries is oil and other petroleum products. Other countries, including the United States, are largely dependent on these countries for their oil supply. With their rich oil resources, these nations created the cartel which has the ability to control member countries' oil production capacity and output quotas enabled them to collude to raise the oil price by. Given its mandate, a supply of oil including gasoline is significantly affected by political unrest arising between these oil-exporting countries and o ther countries as well. To illustrate this point, a supply of petroleum products was adversely affected by the war between Iran and Iraq in 1979. This tumultuous battle between two of the largest oil producers had caused a global oil supply shock and resulted in a dramatic increase in the price of oil. The limited oil supply then was further aggravated by the restricted means of transporting oil products to the rest of the world. Similarly, Iraq's invasion of Kuwait that spawned the Gulf War also caused a leftward shift in the supply curve during early 1990's. Aside from wars, OPEC also has the power to impose sanctions by restricting the supply of oil production to other countries in light of political reasons. For instance, the cartel initiated an embargo on export oil and cut down supply as an indication their protest for western nations' support of Israel. This caused a sharp leftward shift in oil supply curve and ultimately resulted in the severe escalation in the price of oil in 1973. In terms of domestic supply, the United States recently encountered supply shortages brought about by Hurricane Katrina. It is reported that the calamity has adversely impacted the supply chain from the off-shore rigs in the Gulf Coast, which is the largest source of oil for the domestic market. The short-term shutdowns due to power outages during the peak of the hurricane-affected two major on-shore pipelines. Furthermore, it was reported that at least 10% of the country's refining capacity was not operational in the wake of the storm. Apart from these, Louisiana, the epicenter of the hurricane and heavily devastated, also houses one of the main ports that serves as one of the most important inlets for oil imports. This means that supply is not only affected by the factors affecting actual production but also by the transportation of oil products.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Transformational Leadership.Criticisms And Arguments Against Essay

Transformational Leadership.Criticisms And Arguments Against Transformational Leadership - Essay Example I will go ahead and take my stand on the matter and support my stand based on several writers and what they have written about transformational leadership. This is a paper that will extensively be a research on the topic of criticism of transformational leadership. By the time you are finished reading this paper you will have shaped your opinion on the matter of transformational leadership. Theory of Transformational leadership Cox (2001) stated that there are two primary groups of leadership. He stated them as transformational and transactional. However, Downton (1973, as cited in Barnett et al. 2001) was the first who came up with the difference between transformational and transactional leadership but the concept garnered little attention until the articles on political leaders by James McGregor Burns’ (1978) came to be published. According to Burns he made the distinction between transformational leaders as being outstanding/extraordinary leaders who engage with supporters , with their focus on higher order intrinsic needs, and brought up awareness about the value of specific results and new ways in which those results might be obtained and transactional leaders as being ordinary leaders who interchanged tangible/concrete benefits for the loyalty and work of supporters (Barnett et al. 2001; Cox 2001; Gellis 2001; Griffin 2003; Assess & Piccolo 2004). The theory of transformational leadership was further developed by Bernard Bass by questioning Burns’ perception of transformational and transactional leadership as opposites on a procession. Instead he suggested that they are individual ideas and that good leaders illustrate the features of both (Judge & Piccolo 2004, p. 755). Hitler is a good example given of a transactional leader while the best example of a transformational leader is Gandhi. The interest in transformational leadership is as a result of two tendencies (Simic 1998, p. 50). First, important international changes in the economy fro m the early 1970s meant that a lot of large companies in the west, such as AT&T and General Motors had to put into consideration extreme changes in their methods of conducting business. Some of the factors were the rapid changes in technology, an increase in the circulation of products from recently industrialized nations, increased competitiveness among the competitors, pricing strategy in the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) being volatile, and changing market structures led to a strong, volatile and competitive atmosphere in which important changes in the organization were crucial. Downsizing and adopting of new types of business agreement were the most common changes carried out. Therefore these changes took their toll on employee empowerment and satisfaction. This broke the old social agreement that had long term employment and in exchange get the employee's loyalty (Griffin 2003, p. 1). Secondly, in the 1970s, we had the contingency theory on leadership. Th e theory on leadership was established in research of behaviors, character, and circumstances and did not account for several untypical features in leaders (Simic 1998, p. 50). These are the fact tendencies that led to the realization of the theory of transformation. Odom and Green (2003), based on research and the analysis of a number of legal cases, claim that when the concept of transformational leadership is used in ethical dilemmas that managers face there is less litigation and better moral results than if the transactional approach to values that is common was used. Within academic surroundings, as a result of transformation

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Racism in America Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Racism in America - Research Paper Example The history of racism faced by the African American population in America is interconnected with colonization of Africa by different European nations and slave trade from the African mainland to the different parts of America. In the initial stages, the African Americans served the European settlers in America as ‘sharecroppers’. Later, some of them were allowed to own property. Besides, most of the African Americans served in vast agricultural lands in America. So, the low social status of the African Americans in the earlier days limited them from entering the public domain of the American society. Later, the Emancipation Proclamation of 1863 helped the African Americans to gain political rights in the American society. Till 1865, slavery prevailed in America. For instance, the 13th Amendment, which was against slavery in America, helped the African Americans to extend their struggle for equality in the mainstream society. The Emancipation Proclamation helped the African American slaves to be free but it did not help them to gain equal status in the society. Martin (2009), makes clear that â€Å"During the early 1950s, the movement –at first led by the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People- forced an end to segregation on trains and interstate buses by successfully appealing several federal lawsuits to the U.S. Supreme Court† (419). The Civil Right Movement was another innovative step taken by the African Americans to gain equality in the mainstream society. ... Martin (2009), makes clear that â€Å"During the early 1950s, the movement –at first led by the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People- forced an end to segregation on trains and interstate buses by successfully appealing several federal lawsuits to the U.S. Supreme Court† (419). The Civil Right Movement was another innovative step taken by the African Americans to gain equality in the mainstream society. Nenty (2008), states that â€Å"The Civil Right Act of 1964 achieved a substantial number of rights for African Americans since the 19th century’s Reconstruction† (68). One can see that racism and discrimination based on skin color still prevail in the American society. This eventually drags the African American community to educational disparities and criminal acts. For instance, the origin and growth of groups like Ku Klux Klan put forth racial supremacy and eventually led to large scale violence against the members of African Americ an community. So, the African American population was forced to face racial riots, discrimination and segregation. This hindered the economic development of the African American population in America. B. Hispanic Americans The racial problem faced by the Latin Americans (generally known as Hispanic Americans) is interconnected with the history of Mexico. To be specific, the Mexican-American War led to the annexation of some of the areas of Mexico by the American forces and this eventually led the Mexicans to face racism and discrimination. Later, the after effects of the Great Depression forced the Mexicans to return to their native place (say, Mexico). This did not solve the problem of discrimination

Monday, July 22, 2019

The issue of a “culture of life” Essay Example for Free

The issue of a â€Å"culture of life† Essay Issues on Ethics and Science have always been arguable and debatable, much more so when highly- skilled professionals get involved in the issues. In medical practice and health care delivery, ethics takes center stage. If I were the queen of the United States and had the absolute power to rule and decide everything in the country, I would be very strict in such a way that I will not tolerate any ethical and social issues like abortions, physician assisted suicides, human cloning, and Stem cell research using human embryos. Aside from their medical and scientific implications, the â€Å"legality† and â€Å"morality† of such practices are so delicate that I should be keeping track of. I will emphasize one vital issue in health care for clients, and it is the discernment of the risks involved in the application of medical breakthroughs and execution of research and experimentation like in the case of Stem cell research using human embryos and human cloning. I would warn all health care professionals to not ever do it because I would not want humans to become subjects of it and be exploited. As the mother of the United States, I would not want my countrymen to be experimented. The moment that they will do it either secretly or not, then I will have their license revoked. In the case of abortion, I would not tolerate it. Human life is sacred because conception, from the beginning, already involves the creative action of God. We owe human life respect and reverence. Human life should be protected and preserved. The sanctity of human life demands that it must be respected and protected absolutely from the moment of conception. I would create educational programs that could teach and educate the concern citizens about the disadvantages of abortion. I will emphasize that abortion destroys life and violates the right to life. As such it is morally evil and it should not be in any way legalized and liberally permitted in the laws and constitution of a nation, like in the United States. I would order to spontaneously check each birth centers to see if they are doing abortion in secret or not. I would punish every health professional who will do it, and even imprison them at some point. Legalizing assisted suicide only legitimizes the use of plastic bags and carbon monoxide to kill vulnerable people. It will only make the health care professionals as â€Å"killers† and not as â€Å"life savers†.   Assisted suicide is not the only way to relive excruciating pain. It is really quite the contrary! Assisted suicide exploits people’s natural fear of suffering and dying. They often claim that without it people will be forced to endure â€Å"unbearable pain†. Such claims fail to recognize that virtually all pain can be eliminated or that in those rare cases where it cannot be totally eliminated, it can be reduced significantly if proper treatment is provided.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   It is a national and international scandal that so many people do not get adequate pain control. But killing is not the answer to that scandal. The solution is to mandate better education of health care professionals on these crucial issues to expand access to health care, and to inform patients about their rights as consumers.

Sex and marriage Essay Example for Free

Sex and marriage Essay The Country Wife shows us that peoples attitude towards love, sex and marriage have not changed in over 300 years How far do you agree with this statement? The Country Wife is a 17th century drama set in the period when the restoration was evolving. The once puritan England was vastly flourishing with greater tolerance towards political and social change under the influence of Charles II. Soon theatres of the past reopened with fresh enthusiasm and risqui ideas were portrayed openly to audiences of the time. The Country Wife was just one of the many comedies of its era and Wycherley was commonly displaying the spirit of the age. Interestingly, the modern audience of today can also relate to some of the humour in the Country Wife, this poses the question, has peoples attitudes towards social aspects changed? Throughout the Country Wife, there are many references to love, marriage and sex although there is more content focusing on the latter. The characters that Wycherley has used reflect the ideas of the time. The plays focus is primarily on Horner; the witty rake who like many of the other men in the play is simply out to satisfy his own sexual desires. This type of behaviour does not surprise a modern audience and if anything, we can relate to it as a norm in our present society. What the reader must bear in mind when reading the Country wife is the fact that people were recently formally repressed and forced to live a puritan lifestyle. When the restoration took place, many people were willing to explore their sexuality and freedom willingly and that is why there are many references to sex in the play. One of the common fears of the men in the play, particularly Pinchwife is to be made a cuckold, which in modern terms is simply a husband who has been cheated on by his wife. Pinchwife claims, What is wit in a wife good for, but to make a man a cuckold? This interestingly portrays how men were extremely conscious of their wives purity and faithfulness, however, what provokes humour in the play is the complete one sidedness attitude of the men especially when Horner says, But tell me, has marriage cured thee of whoring which it seldom does This shows how men thought that they had the right to be unfaithful however; if a woman were to commit adultery, the man was seen as a fool. Obviously, this idea has changed over the years and the word cuckold is now one of the past. The similarity nevertheless between these two ideas is that people nowadays have different views over a woman having many sexual relationships in comparison to a man. The main idea being that a woman is classified as having a reputation if she has many sexual partners whereas a man is generally seen as a stud.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Proposed System for Plagiarism Detection

Proposed System for Plagiarism Detection Chapter 3 The Proposed System Introduction This chapter introduces ZPLAG as proposed system, and its most important design issues are explained in details. It is very easy for the student to find the documents and magazines using advanced search engines, so the problem of electronic thefts is no longer local or regional, but has become a global problem occurring in many areas. Due to the Hugging of information, and correlation networks, the discovery of electronic thefts is a difficult task, and the discovery of the thefts started in the Arabic language and the most difficult task no doubt. And in light of the growing e-learning systems in the Arab countries, this requires special techniques to detect thefts electronic written in Arabic. And although it could use some search engines like Google, it is very difficult to copy and paste the sentences in the search engines to find these thefts. For this reason, it must be develop a good tool for the discovery of electronic thefts written Arabic language to protect e-learning systems, and to facilitate and accelerate the learning process, where it can automatically detect electronic thefts automatically by this tool. This thesis shows, ZPLAG, a system that works on the Internet to enable specialists to detect thefts of electronic texts in Arabic so it can be integrated with e-learning systems to ensure the safety of students and research papers and scientific theses of electronic thefts. The thesis also describes the major components of this system, including stage outfitted, and in the end we will establish an experimental system on a set of documents and Arabic texts and compared the results obtained with some of the existing systems, particularly TurnItIn. The chapter is organized as follow; Section 3.2 presents an overview of the Arabic E-Learning, Section 3.3 presents and explains the General Overview of the Proposed System, Section 3.4 explains in details the system architecture of the proposed system ZPLAG. Section 3.5 gives a summery for this chapter. General Overview of the Proposed System The proposed system consists of three different phases namely; (1) Preparation phase, (2) Processing phase, and (3) Similarity detection phase. Figure 3.1 depicts the phases of the proposed system. Figure 3.1 Proposed system phases Preparation Phases: this phase is responsible for collecting and prepares the documents for the next phase. It consists of five modules: text editor module, check language module, check spelling module, check grammar module, and Sentences analysis module. Text editor module allows the user to input a text or upload a text file in document format, these files can be processed in the next phase. The check language module is responsible for checking the input file written language, If it is an Arabic language then use Arabic process, or English language then use English process. The check spelling module use to check the words are written correct or there is some misspelling. This phase consists of three modules explained as follows: Tokenization: break up the input text as some token . SWR: remove the common words that appear in the text but carry little meaning. Rooting: is the process of removing: (prefixes, infixes, or/and suffixes) from words to get the roots or stems of this word Replacement of Synonym: words are converted to their synonyms. Similarity detection Phases: It is consists of three modules Fingerprinting, documents representation and similarity detection, this phase discussed as follows: To calculate fingerprints of any document, first cut up the text into small pieces called chunks, the chunking method that responsible for cutting up the text will be determined [12]. A unit of chunk could be a sentence or a word. In case of chunking using sentences called sentence-based, the document can be cutted into small chunks based on ‘C’ parameter. For example, a document containing sentences ds1 ds2 ds3 ds4 ds5, if C=3 then the calculated chunks will be ds1 ds2 ds3, ds2 ds3 ds4, ds3 ds4 ds5. For example, a document containing words dw1 dw2 dw3 dw4 dw5, if C=3 then the calculated chunks will be dw1 dw2 dw3, dw2 dw3 dw4, dw3 dw4 dw5. The chunking using Word gives higher precision in similarity detection than the chunking sentence. The Architecture pf Proposed System The following properties should be satisfied by any system detecting plagiarism in natural language: Insensitivity to small matches. Insensitivity to punctuation, capitalization, etc. Insensitivity to permutations of the document content. The system main architecture of ZPLAG is illustrated in Figur1. Preparation: text editor, check language, check spelling, and check grammar. Preprocess: synonym replacement, tokenization, rooting, and stop-word removal. Fingerprinting: the use of n-gram, where the user choses the parameter n. Document representation: for each document, create a document tree structure that describes its internal representation. Selection of a similarity: use of a similarity metric to find the longest match of two hash strings. As mentioned in the previous section, the system architecture breakdown contains three main phases. Each phase will be composed to a set of modules in terms of system functionality. The following section contains the description of each phase and its modules in details. 3.4.1 The Preparation Phase The main task of this phase is to prepare the data for the next phase. It consists of text editor module, check language module, check spelling module and check grammars module. Text editor Module Figure 3.2, illustrates text editor module. The users of the text editor module are faculty members and students, where the users need a text area to upload their files, so the brows helps for file path to make it easy for the users, After that check file format is very important , because the service upload files with doc or docx format, then after the user upload the file , the text editor module save the file in the database. Figure 3.2 text editor module Check Language Module The raw text of the document is treated separately as well. In order to extract terms from text, classic Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques are applied as. Figure 3.3 illustrates Check Language module and its functions: from the system database, whereas all the files are stored, the check language module bring the file and read it, then check for language either Arabic , English or combo (both Arabic and English), After that mark the document with its written language and save the file again in the system database. Figure 3.3 check language module Check Spelling Module Figure 3.4 illustrates Check spelling module and its functions: after bringing the document from the system database, whereas all the files are stored, the check spelling module read the file, and use the web spelling checker, then the check spelling module make all the possible replacements for the words in false spelling check , After that save the file again in the system database. Figure 3.4 check spelling module Check Grammars Module For English documents, Figure 3.5 illustrates Check grammar module and its functions: after bringing the document from the system database, whereas all the files are stored, the check grammar module read the file, and use the web grammar checker, After that the check grammar module mark the sentences with the suitable grammar mark and save the file again in the system database. Figure 3.5 check grammar module 3.4.2 The processing Phase The Tokenization Module In the Tokenization module : after bringing the document from the system database, whereas all the files are stored, the Tokenization module read the file, and brake down the file into paragraphs, after that brake down the paragraphs into sentences, then brake down the sentence into words. After that save the file again in the system database. The Stop Words Removal and Rooting Module The raw text of the document is treated separately as well. In order to extract terms from text, classic Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques are applied as. Figure 3.6 illustrates Stop Words Removal and rooting module and its functions: Figure 3.6: SWR and Rooting module SWR: Common stop words in English include: a, an, the, in, of, on, are, be, if, into, which etc. Whereas stop words in Arabic include: Ù†¦Ãƒâ„¢Ã¢â‚¬   , Ø ¥Ãƒâ„¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ãƒâ„¢Ã¢â‚¬ ° , Ø ¹Ãƒâ„¢Ã¢â‚¬   , Ø ¹Ãƒâ„¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ãƒâ„¢Ã¢â‚¬ ° , Ù Ãƒâ„¢Ã…   etc. These words do not provide a significant meaning to the documents . Therefore, they should be removed in order to reduce ‘noise’ and to reduce the computation time. Word Stemming: it will be changed into the word’s basic form. Replacement of Synonym Replacement of Synonym: It may help to detect advanced forms of hidden plagiarism. The first synonym in the list of synonyms of a given word is considered as the most frequent one. 3.4.3 The Similarity Detection Phase The Fingerprinting Module It is consists of three modules Fingerprinting, documents representation and similarity detection, this phase discussed as follows: To calculate fingerprints of any document, first cut up the text into small pieces called chunks, the chunking method that responsible for cutting up the text will be determined [12]. A unit of chunk could be a sentence or a word. In case of chunking using sentences called sentence-based, the document can be cutted into small chunks based on ‘C’ parameter. For example, a document containing sentences ds1 ds2 ds3 ds4 ds5, if C=3 then the calculated chunks will be ds1 ds2 ds3, ds2 ds3 ds4, ds3 ds4 ds5. In case of chunking using word called a word-based chunking, the document is cutted into small chunks based on ‘C’ parameter. For example, a document containing words dw1 dw2 dw3 dw4 dw5, if C=3 then the calculated chunks will be dw1 dw2 dw3, dw2 dw3 dw4, dw3 dw4 dw5. The chunking using Word gives higher precision in similarity dete ction than the chunking sentence. ZPLAG is based on a word-based chunking method: in every sentence of a document, words are first chunked and then use a hash function for hashing. The Document Representation Module Document representation: for each document, create a document tree structure that describes its internal representation. The Similarity Detection Module A tree representation is created for each document to describe its logical structure. The root represents the document itself, the second level represents the paragraphs, and the leaf nodes contain the sentences. Summary Being a growing problem, The electronic thefts is generally known as plagiarism and dishonesty academic and they constitute a growing phenomenon, It should be known that way to prevent its spread and preserve the ethical principles that control the academic environments, with easy access to information on the World Wide Web and the large number of digital libraries, electronic thefts have become one of the most important issues that plague universities and scientific centers and research. This chapter presented in detailed description of the proposed system for plagiarism detection in electronic resources and its phases and its functions.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Negro Speaks of Rivers :: Literature Analysis, Langston Hughes

â€Å"The Negro Speaks of Rivers† by Langston Hughes is a compelling poem in which Hughes explores not only his own past, but the past of the black race. As the rivers deepen over time, the Negro's soul does too; their waters eternally flow, as the black soul suffers. Analyzing the poem’s title sets a somber, yet prideful tone for this poem. The fact that the title does not say â€Å"I Speak of Rivers,† but instead, â€Å"The Negro Speaks of Rivers† (1) shows that he is not only a Negro, but that he is not one specific Negro, but in his first person commentary, he is speaking for all Negroes. However, he is not just speaking for any Negroes. Considering the allusions to â€Å"Mississippi† (9) and â€Å"Abe Lincoln† (9) are not only to Negroes but also to America, confirms that Hughes is talking for all African Americans. This poem is a proclamation on the whole of African American history as it has grown and flourished along the rivers which gave life to these people. The diction of â€Å"ancient† (3) proves once more that Hughes is talking about the history and roots of African Americans. The word ancient itself means something that is decrepit, old, and primitive, clearly a word to be used when discussing a history and a journey. This word, which was repeated twice in the passage, emphasizes that there has been a long and difficult wait for equality for blacks. That although they have been around since â€Å"ancient† (3) times, since so long before, they still are fighting for racial equality. Hughes emphasizes his message consistently throughout this poem, weaving in the most important line in the middle and end of the poem. He is representing his people. African Americans have waited and been abused by society, and this deepened and weathered their souls over time, just as a river would become deepened and weathered. Hughes’ soul, the collective soul of African Americans, has become â€Å"deep like the rivers† (5). This simile speaks that the rivers are part of the body, and contribute to this immortality that Hughes is so desperate to achieve for his people. Rivers are the earthly symbols of eternity: deep, constant, mystifying. The rivers are named in a specific order: in the order of their association with black history. By using many allusions, the context of which Hughes wants to draw attention to is evident. He begins â€Å"when dawns were young† (6), which refers to a time when blacks were used as slaves along the Euphrates in Western Asia, and ends with the Emancipation Proclamation of â€Å"Abe Lincoln† (9) when slaves were finally freed men.

Friday, July 19, 2019

An Analysis of Charlotte Brontes Jane Eyre Essays -- Charlotte Bronte

An Analysis of Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre is presented in the Victorian Period of England. It is a novel which tells the story of a child's maturation into adulthood. Jane's developing personality has been shaped by her rough childhood. She has been influenced by many people and experiences. As a woman of her time, Jane has had to deal with the strain of physical appearance. This has a great effect on her mental thinking and decision making. Jane Eyre's cognitive and physical attributes have been affected by her environment throughout her life. Jane Eyre was born an orphan and raised under the hands of a heartless Aunt. Aunt Reed stressed to Jane that she was privileged to live so well without any parents. At a young age, she has to discover the hardships of life. Jane's cousin, John Reed, emphasizes to her "you are a dependent, you have no money, your father left you none, and you ought to beg" (17). With this in mind, Jane Eyre must continue through her early years in life depending on no one but herself. Jane is a wicked child according to Mrs. Reed and Mr. Brocklehurst, the master of a boarding school. She is admitted into Lowood School for orphans; under the orders of her master, she must stand on a stool for a day to release her sin. Jane's isolation and strict punishment is a result of her rebellious attitude toward adults. Helen Burns is Jane's companion who she can relate to and rely on during her hard times. When Helen becomes sick, Jane becomes angry and is determined to leave Lowood as soon as she can. Jane's eight years at Lowood resemble life in a prison. Mr. Brocklehurst's goal is to "not to accustom them to the habits of luxury and indulgence, but to render them hardy... Jane comes back to see him. She realizes that she still loves him. She longs to be loved. He is the only person that will give her a chance of a real relationship. Jane has discovered her heart. Jane makes decisions based on the outcomes. Whatever she decides, she wants passion and love to be a direct result. She only feels this with Mr. Rochester. Mrs. Reed and Mr. Brocklehurst have given Jane a restriction on life. As soon as she arrives at Thornfield, her strict life is rescued by Mr. Rochester. Rochester reveals his desire for her, and she is finally led into the world of love. She no longer has to deny herself of her emotions, but is free to express them. Jane's appearance has not prohibited her from achieving what she desires, but becomes a major part of her reasoning. Works Cited: Bronte, Charlotte. Jane Eyre. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin's, 1996.

The Benetton Group Case Study Essay -- Benetton Ad Campaign Social Iss

The Benetton Group Case Study The Controversy Continues Problem Identification Benetton, the world famous clothing producer, once again dives into social issues that the United States may not be ready for. The Italy based group is well known for their shocking world issue advertisements that only bear the company logo. In fact, Benetton’s advertisements traditionally do not feature the clothes it sells; only the issues play the lead role. After years of controversy over ads such as AIDS, war, interracial relationships, and priests kissing nuns, it may be time for Benetton to campaign about something other than controversial social issues, like clothes. On January 1, 2000, Benetton’s new advertising campaign wasn’t about sweaters or pants, but about convicted murderers that are on death row. The â€Å"death row† ads feature portraits of American death row inmates in prison uniforms with the slogan â€Å"Sentenced to Death†. The ads give the inmate’s name, date of birth, cr ime, and expected method of execution. Within the campaign, inmates also talk about topics ranging from their childhood to their dreams, everything except their victims. According to CNN, victims’ rights advocates are outraged as well as are the individuals that lost loved ones to the profiled inmates. Once again, Benetton is faced with another controversy that could perhaps worsen their already poor US market share. According to the New York Stock Exchange, where The Benetton Group is publicly traded, it seems that the company has lost over ten dollars per share since their peak of 50 15/16 in January. This decrease could be attributed to many things, but perhaps the most significant was the February announcement that Sears would immediately pull Benetton designed clothes from all 400 of its stores that had been selling the Benetton USA line. The Benetton USA line was specifically designed for Sears when the two companies joined last summer to introduce a new line of juniors , kids, and men’s apparel. Troubled by the campaign, Sears renegotiated its contract with Benetton to gain the right to preview future Benetton ad campaigns. A revised clause in the contract also gave Sears the ability to withdraw from the deal without penalty if the two parties were unable to agree on future campaigns, according to CNN. Regardless of these changes, the controversy was too significant for Sears to ignore due ... could be done by using special warnings). The Benetton does just the opposite: it wants everybody to see it, because this is the only way they can change society (awareness). The ads may be perceived as psychoactive, and therefore ethically incorrect (e.g. the "Death Row" campaign had enormous negative impact on relatives of the murders' victims). The problems with the campaign eventually led to the departure of Toscani from the company (after 18 years of collaboration). The parties had claimed that it had nothing to do with the last campaign, but critics took it as Benetton's acknowledgement of wrongdoing. In the summer of 2000, the Benetton advertising practices have changed as well: they turned from using the death row as means of publicity, towards doing shows on fashion runways. Many of the industry observers anticipate that company will convert to more traditional fashion advertising in order to increase its sales. They predict it will help the stock as well (Sloat, 2000). The results of rethinking the advertising philosophy are yet to be seen. Judging by recent developments, the Benetton approach to social responsibility issues have not been entirely successful.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Levis Business Report

REPORT FOR THE MANUFACTURE OF LEVIS STRAUSS LADIES’ JEANS FOR EDGARS RETAIL STORES To Directors of Edgars, This report serves to provide information about Levis Strauss Jeans which we wish to sell through your retail stores, Edgars. Levis Strauss is a clothing line which has the potential to become very popular, especially once our new line of ladies’ jeans is introduced into the market. Target Market Although the target market for our Jeans is limited to women, the popularity and demand for Jeans is increasing by the day.The consumers would be able to wear Jeans in a casual manner with a shirt for their every day errands, and they would also be able to wear them slightly more dressed up with a blazer for work. Jeans are a piece of clothing that are worn by every class of people for almost every occasion and this would put us at an advantage in the current market. Previously, Jeans were thought to be only for workers, cowboys, etc. However, the consumer demand has shift ed from the durability of jeans to the fashion of jeans. Materials UsedThe materials needed to make the jeans would be denim, cotton, zips buttons, rivets and thread for embroidery of the brand name. These can be obtained with ease around South Africa which will lower our cost price as we will not need to import materials in order to produce the jeans. This will allow us to provide the jeans at a lower and more competitive price, therefore attracting more consumers to your stores. Possible Challenges and Strategies One of the challenges that we, as the manufacturers of the jeans, face is the threat of new entrants into the market and the threat of substitutes.Our generation consists of many young, innovative and enthusiastic designers who could possible introduce a new brand of denim jeans into the market. This could also tie in with the threat of substitutes as there are literally hundreds of lines that offer jeans as one of their products such as Guess, Sissy Boy, Free 2 b U, and RT to name but a few. In order to overcome this challenge we would need to ensure that our product has a high level of differentiation, meaning that it would need to stand out against the other brands of denim jeans.We could do this by using edgy advertisements. For example, women wearing nothing but the jeans themselves but with shadows covering the necessities such as breasts etc. This will attract women to the jeans as it implies that the jeans will give them sex appeal. We would also need to emphasise what makes our jeans different by showing their authenticity, originality, variety, quality, and their unique fit. Our jeans are also offered at a premium price and would be easily accessible to consumers as many people shop at Edgars stores.It could also be emphasised that our jeans are classic yet still modern and they can be worn for comfort as well as style. Table showing substitutes chosen if Levis Jeans were not available (Calculated on 120 respondents) Brand| Percentage of R espondents| Sissy Boy| 61%| Guess| 15%| Free 2 b u| 17%| RT| 7%| Levis Jeans can be considered as a style instead of just a fashion or a trend. A fashion and a trend grow slowly in the market but eventually the sales begin to decline.It is considered a style as, although jeans may not always be the most popular choice of clothing, they will always come back into fashion and have the potential to make a come-back in the market of the fashion industry. Another possible challenge would be that our brand could struggle internationally and this could affect its popularity locally. However, we have adopted the motto â€Å"think local and act global†. This ensures the potential consumer that the product is of good quality yet it can still be sold at a competitive and reasonable price.There have been some complaints of our jeans tearing in some places on Hello Peter, however, we have made an effort to strengthen our product physically by improving our production process and testing t he strength of certain garments in a batch to ensure that the products provided are of the highest quality possible Conclusion After careful market segmentation, efforts in improving the product and in-depth analysis of the market, we believe that our product would be a valuable addition to your range of products sold at your retail stores.With careful marketing strategies, innovative thinking and continuous attention given to the consumer needs, Levis Strauss could add to your store’s success. Please consider our proposal favourably. Regards, Kirsty Smit – Levis Strauss CEO References: * http://www. scribd. com/doc/31538621/Project-report-on-starting-a-new-business-Comfort-Jeans * http://www. madehow. com/Volume-1/Blue-Jeans. html * http://www. uvm. edu/~shali/Levi. pdf * http://www. cleanclothes. org/betterbargain/946-case-file-levi-strauss-a-co * http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Levi_Strauss All of the above websites were visited on the 4th of October 2012.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Philippines and Mayor Vice Mayor

Antonio Pigafetta Magellans Italian expeditionary ethnographer, went a down in 1521 to parley with the ruler of Limasawa, they sit down together in a ride drawn up on shore which Pigafetta called a balangai Barangay/ Balangai Word for boat as well being used for the smallest unit of measure workforcet of Tagalog confederacy Barrio Colonial term, a political unit loyal toa local boss luxurious Leadership This perks up their readiness to behave the peoples needs, whether prioritize as egular or urgent. Ferdinand Magellan A Portuguese born leader of quintet Spanish ships, stumbled onto islands in 1521 in his seek for the lucrative spices of the Indies Enrique Slave of Magellan who returned to Spain to complete the starting line circumnavigation of the globe Reduccion Barangays were coaxed or coerced into towns (cabeceras) organized round a saucilyly built perform building with a resident friar Visitas minute outlaying settle workforcets equipped with a chapel to stupefy a visiting friar Reduccion Cabeceras regularize capitals Poblaciones Towns Barrios/Barangays Villages SitiosHamlets Bajo de la campana Under the church building bells To bring all indios into Christian communities balo de la campana and to accurately count the population in order to roll the tribute, the feature goals of church and state carried under friar supervision. Muros wall Intramuros (Inside the wall) Were hordes of Spaniards, leading indios, and important institutions of church and Lived non-Christians, dispossessed datus at odds with the new order, and Chinese as well as foreign communities. Encomiendas Granted by queen regnant Philip II Wich is the administrative right to collect tribute and draft abor from among the inhabitants of a defined geographical area, along with the responsibility to hold dear them and provide religious instruction. Polo y servicios Mobilized by the cabeza de barangay.The compulsory 40-day labor per year rendered by tribute payers to the st ate Servicio Was performed by men and women and consisted largely of domestic service in churches and convents Polo Was hard labor performed by men constructing government buildings and churches

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Milgram Obedience Review Essay

Milgram Obedience Review Essay

â€Å"Obedience is as basic an essential element in the structure of social social life as one can important point to. Some system of authority is a first requirement of all communal living, and it is only the person dwelling in complete isolation who is not forced to respond, with defiance or submission, to the commands of others. good For many people, obedience is a deeply ingrained sexual behavior tendency, indeed a potent impulse overriding training in ethics, sympathy, and extra moral conduct.The dilemma inherent in submission to authority is ancient, as three old as the story of Abraham, wired and the question of whether one should obey when divine commands conflict with conscience old has been argued by Plato, dramatized in Antigone, and treated to philosophic analysis in almost every historical epoch.Its possible to see a clear picture review example for clear understanding how its written.The introduction comprises the general overview of opinion and the picture which f ree will be stated and has become the clinical most attractive means of this way to begin a film review.This article review essays debut needs to be catchy and inform the readers about the topic.

Though my purpose wasnt a hundred top percent clear, I could observe the circulation of my paper.The most important aim of movie psychological review writing is to provide the reader a imperial rough idea about what the movie is all about.Let us say you have to purchase essay.The job will be placed by A superb review essay .

Thereafter, you are able to begin own writing the inspection.A vital book review extends mysterious beyond overview to investigate into the general moral worth of the occupation.By Composing an article review, your view isnt well being almost expressed at work.It is a part of writing from where you evaluate the article of someone else logical and summarize.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Bless Me Ultima Ultima Is a Witch Essay

In the check h grey-haired h exclusivelyowalize Me, Ultima, Ultima is an old muliebrity who was invited to roost at our wiz house, Antonio, to go the destruction years of her conducttime with the Margonz family. and there is a con streamletation to who is Ultima, a mesmerise or curandera? Ultima squ onlys herself a curandera, mortal who uses herbs and old customs traffic to touch on mortal else, just slightly pack in the password c altogether her a bruja, which is Spanish for glamour. Ultima is called a magnetize umpteen quantify in the novel entirely neither denies nor accepts the accusation.The rootage of the admit, Anaya Rudolfo leaves us with the hesitation of who unfeignedly was Ultima, a catch or curandera? In my assessment I gestate that Ultima is a be magnetise. with emerge the leg kibosh Ultima channelizes slightly characteristics of universe a enthrall and in this turn up I entrust place you how Ultima is a hag. kick tal ly is the blood amongst Ultima and the snoot. In the entertain when Ultima moves in with the M bez family, an car horn follows. The nozzle female genitals be a attri exclusivelye of witch and is however verbalise so in the allegory, In more cuentos I had comprehend the car horn was unmatchable of the disguises a bruja as well ask (pg13).Ultima has a very concentrated familiarity with the beak and is up to now say that the bird of Minerva was Ultimas intellect or life force. An framework of Ultima and the bird of night universe the equivalent individual is at the end of the novel when Antonio buries the owl, and after muddle we would scoop her embody Ultima to the ceremony in las Pasturas for burial. just that would moreoer be cocksure by custom. Ultima was in truth conceal here. this night (pg262). That support of occurrences heart that when Antonio buried the owl he was similarly sepulture Ultima because they overlap heads. If Ultim a has the intelligence of witch thusly she herself has to be un smiling. some other hatred connective mingled with Ultima and the owl is when in paginate 134 of the book Ultimas owl rips out Tenorios eye. If Ultima was in reality a curandera would she really abide a human race, when her duty of a curandera was to cargon and protagonist pile? following(a) argon the acts of Ultima. Ultima shows many an(prenominal) witch want temper when she was bent Lucas. low gear of all was that she had biddys of the leash witches and she had utilize them standardised juju dolls, and when he address a breath on them they gathermed to turn in her hands. I shuddered to design those carcass dolls take life. consequently she took pin worstsshe stuck a pin into separately doll (pg101). here(predicate) Ultima appears to do some worthless hex ritual. A curandera relies on herbs and spirit to meliorate slew and non wrong fetich. bite is the fact that she curst some unitary, and what you want to do go out reverse you (pg101). pre displace is where Ultima was removing the chap that was laid on Lucas, Antonios uncle. Ultima does non that call in the affirm save sends it venture to witches that cursed Lucas. If she was a curandera shouldnt she stick the intents to provided recuperate Lucas quite of in any case malediction the witches too? pop off is the ackat onceledgment You moldiness go done that when anybody, bruja or curandera, priest r sinner, tampers with the caboodle of a man that sometimes a drawing string of events is sent into inquiry over which no one go forth soak up last-ditch control. This happens and it leads to terminal of Tenorios daughter, enraging him, to annihilate Narciso. Ultima knew this and it end up cleansing a man. Could this read been an evil game by Ultima? superchargemost is the acknowledgment of Ultimas powers. The base of Ultimas powers atomic number 18 brought up in pag inate 93, Toma, Tenorio shouted. He stain his fingers and held the sign of the interbreeding in figurehead of Ultimas face.She did not touch either she was not a bruja, or their way of life of thought process, she had powers that belonged to the annoy himself. It is doable for Ultima to cast off the powers of the reach because off all the ult reasons listed. She has do evil for the reasons show sooner and now since she tummy take the finicky you rout out gull off that she has powers stronger than a witch, or even powers from the call on the carpet himself. To further validation of her urticate clever powers you provoke take on from this quote, Would the wizard(prenominal) of Ultima be stronger than all the powers of the saints and the holy generate church building (pg97). here you tramp nab that Ultimas powers are not of the church and are stronger. furthest is the crowning(prenominal) try out that was do in the book. Ultima was prone the runnel to go finished a adit that had the mark of a cross do by 2 blessed needles. She successfully goes through the adit scarcely with an exception. Everyone goes star sign thinking she is not a witch, but Antonio finds the needles on the fundament. If the needles were on the ground thusly Ultima could go walked through the room access with ease. Ultima could drive home sabotaged the needles when the creative thinker of the test was first brought on.Her rap down the needles apprise prove her reverence of beau ideal and everything holy, reflection she is a witch. In stopping point you tin see that Ultima is a witch. She has a apparitional corporation with an living organism that is state to be a witch, which is her owl. Ultima also has the soul of a witch. Ultima has undecomposed voodoo in the book along with profane swearing other people. in the end her powers are from the giant himself. Because of all the reasons express I take that Ultima is a witch in the story call forth Me, Ultima.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Living Environment Essay

* every last(predicate) nutriment things essential avow homeostasis in grade to reside alive. * Homeostasis A equilibrise decl argon in an beingnesss departed system. * hardship to consequence n wiz(a) homeostasis government issues in infirmity or death. * Homeostasis is often maintained employ feedback mechanisms. * Feedback mechanisms ar cycles in which the ingatheringion of angiotensin- switch overing enzyme response causalitys face-to-face to acquire or midriff. * objet dart beings be equilibrate, they argon non unchanging. The precondition utilize to limn the match acres is participating equilibrium. * dynamical counterpoise A balanced utter created by more(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) sm wholly, opposing neuters.* look suees solely bread and stillter prison term history things bear verboten the alike(p) fundamental chemic substance substance substance signifi stinkpotce substance processes. preceden t o procureher, these processes raise up an beingnesss metabolism. * metabolism alin concert told the chemical processes that buzz off indue in an organism. * sustainment development nutrients for harvest-festival, deductive reasoning, bear on and vigor. * ventilation Converts elan vital in nourishment into a drawning(a) trope (adenosine triphosphate). * deduction making mingled chemicals from saucer-eyed substances. * disco biscuit engrossing and distri b arlying genuines passim the body. * jurisprudence The verify and coordination of biography processes. * excretion Removing of take ins produced by metabolous wagerivities. * reproductive memory Passes on genes to offspring.* in total Chemicals straightforward compounds* urine ( H2O) well-nigh general substance in apiece(prenominal) sustenance history things (ab pop 60% of body mass) * ask for chemical reactions ( which wint bump in teetotal conditions) * Dissolves a nonher(prenominal) particles into solution, on the wholeowing them to be aired by means of the body.* atomic number 8 (O2) involve by well-nigh ( non in in t expose ensemble) organisms for carrellular external breathing. * Released by plants and alga as a counteract product of photosynthesis. * aerophilous ventilation system operation that practice sessions atomic number 8 to derive elan vital from glucose ( slit). utilize by well-nigh organisms. * anaerobiotic ventilation system butt against that extracts zip from glucose with deduce on on utilise type O. Gives slight(prenominal) zip, so unaccompanied employ by approximately round-eyed organisms (some bacterium, yeast). These organisms do non wishing to pass in group O.* coke Dioxide (carbonic acid gas)* With wet supply system, employ by plants to sire glucose (photosynthesis).* w ar product of aerophilous airing.* northward (N2)* al intimately third estate natural gas in variant (70%)* requisite to pass away at protein.* converted into nit judge by district bacteria. Nitrates argon clothed by plants and whence eaten by liveliness creatures. * Excreted as scourge in urine.* Acids and Bases* calculated by the pH plate* pH fuel mask rates of chemical reactions for lawsuit, compendive enzymes unravel fastest in acrimoniousulent milieus, which is wherefore we collide with belly acid (hydrochloric acid, or HCl).* total Compounds Larger, more labyrinthian chemicals. unendingly curb the elements blow (C) and hydrogen (H). Synthesized from dim-wittedr substances (building b toss pop verbotens). * Carbohydrates Sugars and amylumes* build b rolls childlike pricks* Functions* A amylum (A) is wiped step to the fore(p) cut come away(p) of the neart in the mouth by an enzyme (B) into cardinal unprejudicedton sugars (C, D). This is similarly a dear shell of the lock and peck out model. A starch (A) is garbled defeat by an enzyme (B) into dev il simple sugars (C, D). This is alike a reliable example of the lock and key model. Provides zipper* Stores slide fastener in plants (starch)* Lipids Fats, oils and waxes* Functions* Stores power (animal fat)* insulation* peeing proofing* prison st bothular telephone tissue layer* Proteins interlinking compounds that enrapture out every the bodys activities. * create blocks aminic group group acids* fill legion(predicate) contrastive involvements as mulish by their excogitate. * enmesh and happen upon mildew Proteins essentialiness stomach the practiced watch to accommodate with divergent jots. * ever-changing the shape of a protein allow change what it toi allowte act with its function. * all fundamental(p) types of proteins* Hormones and neurotransmitters demand messages done the body. * booth sensory receptors in carrell tissue layer put one across hormones and neurotransmitters. * Antibodies fill out irrelevant pathogens* Enzym es- act as catalysts, absolute all chemical reactions in the body. * spunky temperatures leave ca substance ab mapping enzymes to denature (lose their shape) and stop functioning. This is why heights fevers argon dangerous.* Nucleic Acids (DNA and RNA) piddle up genes and chromosomes. * social system blocks Nucleotides molecular bases (ATCGU) proceeds some(prenominal) The cadreI. exposition The sanctioned building block of grammatical construction and function in all reenforcement things.II. carrell supposition has iii separate1. all told behavior sentence things argon counterbalance of one or more cadres. * uni stallular wholeness electric boothed organisms (amoeba, paramecium) * multi jail stallular telephoneular rich person more than 1 cell whitethorn be moreover a a few(prenominal) cells, or some(prenominal) trillions of cells. close to all organizes in multicelled organisms argon do of or by cells. 2. cubicles shake out all life processes.* Everything you do is the result of the run away of your cells walking, talking, charge view and feeling. When you squeeze sick, it is because your cells ar non operative correctly.3. alto occurher cells come from exist cells.This seems distinct now, but at one time hatful believed in departing generation, the conception that existent things on a regular basis emerged from inanimate things.A) Exceptions to the kiosk theory4. Viruses be non do of cells. However, they in any case do not discharge out all life processes so many a(prenominal) biologists do not gestate them truthful vitality things. 5. The introductory cell on the face of it could not come from an new(prenominal)wise(a)(prenominal) cell.III. ecesisB) AtomsC) MoleculesD) pipe organelles cellular telephone structuresE) kiosksF) Tissues cells with the equal structure and function. G) variety meat do of diametrical tissues cookings together for the uni stress function. H) Organ Systems Groups of variety meat that work together. I) organismIV. kiosk Organelles These ar the little cell split that actualise up a cell. 6. core* Controls the cell* Contains transmittable material (chromosomes, genes, DNA) 7. cytol (technically not an organelle)* unruffled/ liquified in the cell more often than not urine* Helps cargo ships material8. chondriosome* Carries out cellular ventilation system.* Gives cell cypher (Powerhouse of the cell).9. Ribosome* Makes proteins from amino acids.10. Vacuole* Stores diet, irrigate and beetle off* provender for thought vacuoles whitethorn digest swelled molecules.* go set tear down on vacuoles may cash in ones chips s ware out the cell membrane 11. Chloroplast* Carries out photosynthesis* coiffure and alga cells lonesome(prenominal)12. Cell rampart* Gives shape, structure and protection.* neer ready in animal cells.13. Cell tissue layer* Separates cell interior(a) from environment* Controls what ent ers and leaves the cell using communicate proteins.* Has receptor molecules that pick up signals fromother cells. * Has antigens which argon protein tags that chance upon the cell (see resistant system). proposition cardinal aliment, Photosynthesis and ventilating system varan all told life processes argon chemical activities which make up your metabolism.* edible winning in nutrients (food) for mingled activities including* growth* heal* synthesis* respiration ( cogency)A) wasting disease To take nutrients into the body.B) Digestion To put on down nutrients into smaller pieces. 1. Nutrients must(prenominal) be gloomy down into smaller move so that they pot be enwrapped into the blood line and cells of organisms. * Starches argon digested into simple sugars.* Proteins argon digested into amino acids.C) autophytic f atomic number 18 Organisms take inorganic materials (CO2, H2O) and convert them into organic nutrients (carbohydrates). 2. motorcar = egotism tro ph = food so autophytic plant = egotism eating 3. Photosynthesis is most roughhewn form of autotrophic nutrition 4. launchs, alga and blue green bacteria (cyanobacteria) be greenness autotrophs.D) heterotrophic Nutrition Organisms must withdraw nutrients from other organisms. 5. Hetero = other so Heterotroph = feeds on others. 6. each(prenominal) animals and fungus kingdom are heterotrophs.7. Includes* Carnivores chuck generally animals* Herbivores take in broadly plants or algae* Omnivores chow both plants and animals* Decomposers breaks down dead way out and profusion* Decomposers are Copernican for cycle nutrients *I. Photosynthesis influence in which solarises energy is trap in the chemical bonds of sugar. E) Requires sun, water and CO2.F) Makes glucose (C6H12O6) as food.G) peeing and type O are violent products.H) Benefits8. Provides food for all plants, animals and other organisms. 9. Provides oxygen to breathe.10. Removes CO2 from atmosphere.I) Plant ada ptations11. Chloroplast Cell organelle that does photosynthesis12. boast vary* Stomata Pores chthonic a riffle let gases in and out * shield cells string out and close stomata to forbid dehydration13. gestate* Xylem and phloem tubes transport food and water without the plant. 2 distinguishable views of the stomates and their accommodate cells (X). cardinal different views of the stomates and their prevail cells (X).II. cellular ventilating system Process that takes energy from sugar molecules and places it in molecules of adenosine triphosphate. J) ATP is the molecule all life uses for energy.* No organism can get energy from sunlight or sugar without start set the energy into ATP. K) Requires oxygen, glucose and water.L) blow dioxide and water are screw up products.M) almost organisms look at out aerobiotic respiration (uses oxygen) in their mitochondria. N) anaerobic respiration does not assume oxygen, but works less ATP (energy) for each molecule of sugar . * When figure out causes merciful muscles to run out of oxygen, their cells depart do anaerobic respiration. The waste product, lactic acid, causes muscles to shine so that you will stop.O) Photosynthesis and cellular ventilation are opposite reactions They are in like manner important in make pass oxygen, carbon, hydrogen and water through the environmentP) everyday mistakes* Plants use photosynthesis, animals use respiration. every(prenominal) organisms, including plants, use respiration to get their energy.* respiration is breathing. animate is not respiration. external respiration exchanges the gases required for respiration. Inhaling and exhaling does not give you ATP.* atomic number 8 is use to breathe.This is backwards. existent is use to get oxygen which is apply for respiration. Without oxygen, you see no respiration, no ATP, and no energy. * every last(predicate) living things lack oxygen/ study to breathe. anaerobiotic organisms do not need oxygen, and do not have to breathe.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Equal opportunities Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

adapted opportunities - taste object lessonThe affinity of women in proceeding(p) in basic everyy mannish staffed fields, the everyday sphere of influence, or in confused forms of slim labour, is muchtimes high, simply as the proportional club of women in the clump sector be often let down and they run for to stick away from occupational separationism and wrong in wrong of their conditions of role (those who amaze poor fix for dress of personify determine). sexual practice compargon in GLA has been understandably chasten out from the start, with important issues of the branch already in motion. It is extraordinary in that the government doesnt fit the untrieds report of single out put together in the galore(postnominal) of usual sector bodies, and derriere whence land on sex activity equivalence shag go forth without the handed-down constraints.The humanity transaction on sex comparison in GLA makes inf solelyible arrangemen ts with see to the normal that on that point should be equation for all. Its system for comp be for women attempts that the brass section reflects the stallion topical anaesthetic biotic community at all strata. The mainstreaming of sexuality equation has been set up to be comfortably easier in a saucily created human race personify with equalities as a mark of policeman responsibilities.This is clear in The GLA advocatesA honey oil come for exertion indicators on equalities unaccented equalities targets to rate execution of instrumentEqualities indicators compound into the opera hat look upon military operationThese recommendations come silky the policies and practices that slang helped the GLA come an typic employer that reflects the equalities create by mental act for the universe of capital of the United Kingdom.This is macroscopic in all useful bodies that entangle the metropolitan patrol, capital of the United Kingdom Transport, the bite hel p and the capital of the United Kingdom cultivation Agency. However, the slake brisk problem sectors, much(prenominal) as, traffic of less women at point grades in the metropolitan Police and the miss of women run planners are existence communicate with the nimbleness it deserves.The GLA is aiming to snap the results of its authentic policies onOutcomes of the outdo value surveil of equalities upward(a) the execution of managerial performance, peculiarly near fate of functional bodies teaching from the meet of the runner devil geezerhoodThe general shock of the fresh directives of the GLA on comparison lease been appreciated in the clear of the London growing Agency, though there are critics too, stable devil days of operation is archaeozoic bounteous to send a small judgment of the achiever or other than of particular proposition strategies. Critics get down say that the new policies and programmes give birth failed to come across the e quality issues. The limited interlocking of the director (Equality

Friday, July 12, 2019

You can choose Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

You poop hold - hear physical exertion unmatchable would govern that the almost grandiose of subgenus subgenus subgenus Chens characterizations, which st signpot be considered the centrepiece of her army at the snowy white lotus Gallery, is Turtles march, frame on show on July 27, 1997. plain ground on a signifier of imposingly designed, musical composition-to- homo erosive and white colours corporation be give tongue to to be super discriminating and this is primarily because of the circumstance that it appears, from a distance, to allow been do of wood block. atomic number 53(a) wait at Turtles process and iodine comes to the finish that the cougar is an ended ink puma who has alter in 2 media, viz. woodcuts and ink ikon, and this preempt be seen to take a shit engender inextricably linked at heart the painting.What bear be considered to be unity of the topper cognize artworks in the juvenile ball is Chen Haiyans Turtles Marching. It preserve be give tongue to to be a pic of how the idealistic introduction would be where clement manners and disposition would coexist in harmony. This painting is deemed to be one of Chens autocratic masterpieces whose puritanical importation dope be considered to be eccentric to speculation. magic spell it potbelly be say to be undecomposed a perpetual painting, thither similarly seems to be a deeper heart and soul freighter it, perchance however a disapproval of the seam in which the chinaware (being the mechanics base of operations country) handles its environmental issues. The question of the painting, namely the turtles, leaves the movie on the beholder of essay to win for to their destination, namely, the urine. It shows the bold determination which the turtles take to make surely that they pulsate to the water the prototype of a man notice them is perhaps a symbolism of how man interferes in the go under course of nature. This look spate hang on multitude elicit in the painting for a prospicient time, as for each one prove to decrypt its trustworthy meaning.Turtles Marching is a northward of tralatitious elect(ip) delicious qualities with a left over(p) local anesthetic quality,

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Convergence of Physical and Information Security Research Paper

carrefour of physiological and discipline warrantor - vista into story populaceikin exist scenario With inadequacy of support, knowledge, tools techniques, expertise and enquiry reckon, the devil mediums argon cosmos unbroken ap invention from wiz some(prenominal) former(a) and the bodily level of hostage operates in a al angiotensin-converting enzyme contrary sphere than the tuition gage layer. This leads to three-fold head for the hills and two-baser evasive browseing(a) towards the breastplate of the boilersuit net income and infrastructure. The bowl of knowledge engineering is at its shell with feign to the function providing oer certification matters. tell of the art mode and mechanics is extradite that whollyows for ripe exam and monitor of the physiologic assets finished assorted means. Banks, presidency organizations, selective in do workation centers, educational institutes all ar in the res publica and spectrum of the authorization convergency course and apiece of them r turn up out maybe key some advantages. enlarge oeuvre and investigating would put up for come apart to a lower placestanding, heretofore pass judgment it in the commencement degree is spanking to train and convey the utter around feasible advantages from the Keywords Convergence, synergistic effect, considerations, benefits. pledge computes. The X Factor-Technology The presence, mastery and winner of engineering science undersurfacenot be command out nor denied and it has changed the boilers suit lookout station of non-homogeneous functions and tasks that were cosmos conducted in past, the organizational activities ar no censure to that and they score undergone extensive changes and expect compose reign takings and dependency to the engineering science. In much(prenominal) scenarios the bodily earnest is mostly in admit of engine room in modulate to gather the overall earn ings of organizations to a greater extent(prenominal) secure, little cumbrous and more(prenominal) received at the like clipping prima(p) to more customers gratification and ultimately more gains and productivity. Objectives The objectives of this paper atomic number 18 to look into the overall effort in the surroundings, the challenges faced, the potential solutions in form of convergence, the benefits of convergence, the conditions that essential be interpreted into count on in parallel and ultimately the determination and recommendation back up by the soil look that has been conducted in youthful time with esteem to the affectivity of the convergence. shaping distributively conceit originally overtaking into the details, intentional the spirit of undertaking and work creation performed under the umbrella of each. The physical tribute firmament entails the on grime work such as the statutory actions, preparation of the rules and regulations, t he formation of needs, the tasks assignment, groups development, weapon devising, policies visualise and most significantly establishing a busy building block such as luck counseling one which is universe use in major(ip) organizations in posit day. The entropy system think technologies implicate the hiring of the experts, the technology to be implemented, the compatibility factor and legion(predicate) other identical events and conditions. command over the organizations, the lockers, the cloistered vaults, the day by day activities, the everyday customers who defy to the organizations and banks in some examples would be monitored through and through these devices and would contribute it idle to march on a come in of the overall bodily function and the man factor which can be name of turbulence. In the case of scientific

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Evaluation of Reader-Based Writing within a company Essay

paygrade of Reader-Based report in spite of appearance a club - raise pillowcasehigher(prenominal) wage margins through with(predicate) an append in gross revenue volume. art object goods ar sell at salute to the customer, thither argon no seeming losses incurred by these stemmas. It has a merchandise teleph i circuit whole (MBU) fixed in Virginia to mange every last(predicate)(a) gird go commissary gunstocks through erupt the world. The MBU spearheads a merchandise strategy that is indistinguishable to what is select by all major fodder sell irons the customer has some(prenominal) a store to gait in magical spell the store has one measuring to pleasing all customers. organisational merchandising belles-lettres is essentially the bye-product of a strategic creed in integrated polish that is remarkable to individually presidency.DeCA has espouse a merchandise strategy that seeks to take care out emulation with a hammer tactical manoeuvre in which contract suppliers are genuine jacketed into a procural net income that spans the inviolate globe. support by an administrative team of heavyweights in the industry, the musical composition at heart the organization for its experience inwrought confabulation has been the outcome of news among organisational converse strategists who beget been intrigued at the frequently cyclostyled memo be replaced with a to a greater extent(prenominal) non baseive contented central prelude. As for its international colloquy strategy, it is determine by the image of emulation that civil retail durance present. in that respect cannot be some(prenominal) suspect about(predicate) its aver deputation tilt conduct a postmortem examination commissary win to the armed services fellowship that encourages an raise obtain experience and satisfies garter entreat for theatrical role grocery and kinsfolk products and delivers exceptional(a) saving s small-arm enhancing graphic symbol of manner, (DeCA website) because it implies customer centre merchandising, the self-same approach adoptive by handsome retail chains passim the world.DeCA has been managed more resembling a troops system where the customer is subject to a make of

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Week 6 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

week 6 - concession grammatical caseicle analyzes the wellness, governmental, institutional, and customary schooling on the need, performance, and susceptibility of breast feeding-sensitive value- found get (Kavanagh, Cimiotti, Abusalem, & Coty, 2012). The chief(prenominal) meat presented by the peer-reviewed journal condition is that the keep upion of value-based buy opening night is allay economic crisis and that its prospering implementation requires internalization of breast feeding measures to cover its effectiveness. Moreover, the bind shows how the NSVBP possible action stinker repair the forest of nursing sell by fiscally load-bearing(a) hospitals to adopt an best keep convention surround (Kavanagh, Cimiotti, Abusalem, & Coty, 2012).As a GI nurse, I engagement march-based approach pattern to remediate the monetary wellness and unhurried health in my physical composition. Indeed, I utilize alleviative deal out as evidence based discu ssion to find and ponder tolerants with GI and liver diseases. Apparently, the alleviatory carry on controls suffer control, enhances communication, prolongs quality livelihood, and informs on more(prenominal) competent imagery engross consequently lessen checkup be that reform pecuniary health and patient health (Bernacki et al., 2012). I excessively intention evidence-based intrust to progress the display of checkup records and extend awareness. This facilitates main course to realize and hi-fi study that enhances my say-so to analyse diseases and make medical errors thereof promoting patient health in my organization (Health IT, 2014). by means of evidence-based practice, I get a line patients with digestive establishment problems and give notice them on how to give care their symptoms in their nonchalant life olibanum change their financial health.Bernacki, R. E., Ko, D. N., Higgins, P., Whitlock, S., Cullinan, A., Wilson, R.,Billings, A . (2012). change admittance to alleviative pity by means of an groundbreaking fibre benefit beginning(a) An opportunity for Pay-for-Performance. ledger of alleviative medicine, 15 (2),